"Servant Girl" is written by Estrella D. Alfon in 1937. This story falls under Contemporary Philippine Literature and since then, it was one of the popular and outstanding 20th century Philippine stories.
By looking at the title, I first thought it was a normal servant story. However, it turned to be the other way around. I also thought of it having a more violent and poignant content, but it was lighter than I expected. Moreover, I found the 'love story' somewhat a twist, since I did not see that coming. This story was indeed unpredictable. Given that it was a work of a Filipino author, I was actually amazed and all.
At first, I pitied Rose so much for she was maltreated by her employer. However, when the character of Pedro came into the picture, I found Rosa a bit weird and delusional. Hence, this is when I perceived Rosa differently, and the plot just became unexpected and embroiled (which adds to my interest and curiosity of the story). After being saved by Pedro (whom she calls 'Angel'), Rosa started imagining and fantasizing things. For me, it was not anymore a love at first encounter, but rather, an obsessed one. She became obsessed with Pedro to the point that she made herself believed that Pedro can't stop thinking of her too.
The next time, Rosa and Pedro met, Pedro didn't recognized her easily. It was when Rosa left the house of her employer due to its physical violence and Sancho's sexual harassment toward her. When Pedro remembered her, Rosa was lost again. Pedro returned her him home to his employer's house and started doing her responsibility as if nothing happened. That is how it ends.
Personally, I didn't like the ending. I mean, it was as if Rosa was fooled by love - a love that is one-sided and is delusional; a facade. But maybe, it was Rosa's way to forget and escape her miserable life by fantasizing. Fantasizing that Pedro was her angel in disguise, a savior that will save her from the pit of agony, sadness and subjection.
As for the style of writing and the structure and plot of the story, it was commendably pulled together. The story was full of twist and explosives. I really loved the story! Thank you, writer Estrella Alfon! I highly recommend this story for those wants some different taste in genre. Read it and enjoy!
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