To Kill A Mockingbird: A Popular Novel Book Review




      “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a popular novel written by Harper Lee on July 11, 1960. It was published during the civil rights movement to explore the consequence of hatred and prejudice. Ever since its publication on 1960, it became enormously popular up until today. In fact, it was voted as America’s number 1 best-loved novel in PBS’s Great American Read Survey. Also, it won a Pulitzer Prize. This novel is all about racism, transition and evolution from innocence to maturity, family challenges and awakening to the reality of life. The title itself gives a hint of what this novel is all about. Thus, it is a local belief that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird; for this bird is innocent and harmless.

        Personally, I love this novel so much. There’s a lot of lesson the reader can get, as well as it helps the reader to realized how the world works. Although it was written a long time ago, the lesson and the theme are relevant up today. The problems imposed in the novel is still the problem that we are experiencing until now. One of the problem is racism. In this novel, Tom Robinson, a black man, was falsely accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. From here, we can see the discrimination of race and color. Clearly, black people are inferior to white people; especially to those who holds money and power. In the end, Tom was indicted guilty of raping Mayella Ewell. Not happy for the jury’s decision, Tom attempted to escape but was killed on the process. For me, this is indeed a reflection of human condition today. Even though one is innocent, money and power can make everything turned upside down. Further, in this modern time, even the law cannot be trusted, for the oppressed and deprived are given no justice – but rather, injustice and prejudice. Today, justice is for the rich while impartiality is for the poor and powerless; an unfortunate reality.

            Aside from racism, another highlight of the novel is the evolution of siblings Scout and Jem’s ignorance to maturity. Since the novel covers the span of 3 years, the siblings witness harassment, discrimination, hatred, bullying and unrighteous worldly things for the whole 3 years. These unjust and unlawful things they have witnessed made them realized how people are greedy, sinful and immoral. As a kid, they have already known what to value and to hold importance of people’s right and lives. It is the right of everyone in this planet to live peacefully and happily, however, it doesn’t go with jobless and penny-less ones. With all the experiences they’ve been through, they were molded and shaped to be a better person. Their young and innocent mind asked questions that adults do not wish to asked. They seek for an answer and found tranquility in the end. This early awakening of Jem and Scout to the cruel world is all because of their father, Atticus Finch. Atticus have taught her children well, he was a good role model not only to his children but also to the entire people of Maycomb, Alabama. He was always just and humanely. He accepted Tom Robinson’s case even though it might lead to something unpleasant. True enough, Jem and Scout where bullied in school when the rumor spread that their father is protecting the case of a black man. Their family also received death threats ever since Atticus defended Tom’s case. But that didn’t stop Atticus, he fought and defended Tom despite of the chaos it has brought to his family. He did it because he knows it was the right thing to do; Tom was innocent; it wasn’t his fault to be black. For Atticus, everyone should be equal regardless of race and color of the skin one possesses.

            Now, in this novel, we can say that Arthur “Boo” Radley and Tom Robinson are the
mockingbirds. It is a sin to kill Tom for he was innocent, he was killed inequitably. Tom didn’t rape Mayella Ewell, there was no rope happened. As for Boo Radley, the sheriff and Atticus didn’t told the police that Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell (Mayella’s father). Bob tried to harm Jem and Scout for the shame that Atticus did him in the court, Bob was vengeful that time. Boo Radley was silently observing the scene; he broke his silence and left his house to intervened with the evil plan of Bob. Thus, it was also a sin to harm Boo Radley for he only done something unwanted to save the children.

            Overall, this is novel is indeed a masterpiece. At first, I never thought that it would tackle such serious issues in life. I thought it was something spooky and frightening novel, since at first it revolves about Boo Radley who never left his house for 15 years. There were even rumors that he eats live squirrel and prowls the street at night. However, when I reached the middle part, it was indeed mind-blowing. The questions and thoughts in my head were answered and become connected. This book is very bold and straightforward as it is very relatable today. One can learn a lot from this novel so I highly recommend this book for those who wanted to have a taste of life.


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