Popular Literature


     In our course Contemporary, Popular and Emeegent Literaturw, we have tackled popular literature or sometimes called as popular fiction. It was said that popular literature includes literary writings which is intended for large masses. Nowadays, it can be a magazine, brochure and even blogs. Typically, this kind of writing is intended for people of all ages, gender and social class – usually read by common people. Popular literature includes poetry, prose, drama and fiction - as the most popular writing.

     I have also gained the knowledge of the various characteristic of popular literature whereas it contains vivid, racy and exciting plot. Hence, since it involves fiction, it comprises of imaginary events and people which makes it interesting to read, having an exciting plot. Thus, it can be fantasy fiction, science fiction, horror fiction, mystery, magical realism and many more fascinating genres of fiction. Moreover, popular literature us an easy and quick read which does not demand scholarly or academic purposes. Hence, it does not require a careful reading wherein one has to analyze the plot, the setting, the theme and everything in order to get what the literary writing is trying to convey.

     I have also learned the six types of genre: romance, science fiction, western, detective story, horror and cartoon. Not but not the least, I have learned the process of popular fiction: production, distribution and consumption. In production process, this is where popular fiction books are produced for the large and wide masses. Here, books are produced in paperback formats which benefits the audience for it is easy to do, it has a cheap cost and is available to all. Meanwhile, in distribution process, this is where books are being distributed to different places, especially public places (e.g. bust stop, railway station, airport etc.). This way, there is an easy access of books where readers can buy them conveniently. Lastly and the most important aspect – consumption. Thus, it is vital since the sales of the books have something to do with the book’s popularity. Here, reader play the role as the consumer. Hence, the higher the consumption and/or the sales, the popular the book is. Simply, the focus of consumption is to consume the book, not to read it. Therefore, as long as it is bought, that’s good enough.



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